Two bridges Lodge is the latest incarnation of this family, owned, family run riverside lodging in Bailey, Colorado. The local owners and operators’ vision for the property is to create a private fishing lodge with comfortable riverside accommodations, premier guided flyfishing and upscale amenities. To initiate this vision, the owners undertook a complete restoration of their 2,400’ stretch of the North Fork of the South Platte River through the property. Located below Roberts Tunnel, this reach of water is subject to extreme low flows in winter months when no tunnel releases are made as well as extended periods of high flows throughout the summer and fall months limiting optimal trout holding habitat and angling opportunity. ERC/Tezak designed and constructed improvements that focused on providing a wide range of aquatic habitat and angling prospects. Restoration work included creating oxygenated riffles for macro invertebrate production, developing flat water for dry fly opportunities, construction of step pools and bend pools for refuge and glides, and runs for traditional trout feeding lanes. ERC delivered the project utilizing a turn-key design-build model, providing initial concept development, cost estimates, construction plans complete regulatory permitting and construction implementation.