In addition, SEC registration does not carry any official imprimatur or indication PFSI has attained a particular level of skill or ability. Ok I understand the how can you sell it if you dont own it, but you are an independent contractor not a W-2 employee. As for ethics, I can always put mine up against any Insurance salesperson. Like how Primerica takes in 2% of the premium, but writes 6% of the coverages. @Jack Micheal may think they are the best thing since sliced bread since he thinks price is the only thing that matters. I am just defending a company that choses not to fight here. You are saying that no one will need life insurance for that long but that is because you dont know estate preservation strategies. Williams was sold once before and stock went through the roof. I am curious why do you have promote your business here. I have great frinds because of it-inside and outside of Primerica. See its all about options to fit the needs of the client. I remember the days of PFS continuing Ed. If thats the case then I know you need to get out more. How many companies go out of business because of this. If you have been talking to anyone in Primerica you should know this. Since my child rider gives my children the ability to get insurance without having to pass a medical test it has value. So who helped them? Another thing I notice the PFS FNA lacks is that it tells them a FIN using hypothetical values while I can used guaranteed ones because you have no access to FIAs. So that he does nto get hate calls, I will not give out the name and number, but then again, you might think I am a RVP since I talked to them too, Michael. It gives you the ability to know what to do? This guy has lost my respect by telling everyone about his sales team, his guzillion dollars in assets, how powerful he is, Dude come on it clear you have other interests in Primerica other than being a client. ANd I know how to sell it. I do not want to be forced into buying overpriced soap from who ever. I found out many people dont invest the difference. And he over-simplifies the issues when he says cheaper must not be as good., I am curious, Is not a YUGO cheaper than BMW? Or you can go with Primerica agent: Part-time not looking to make their house payment on you, not making sure that they get everything from you. It is used as a lose leader, something you give someone to get them into your clutches. Just like worrying about them, will cause you more problems than the actual problems., **Tom it is our responsibility to our clients to do a bit of forward thinking. I mean ARM are known by those that read Business Week and Wall Street Journal as TOXIC Mortgages. I am a CLIENT. They keep me informed and give me advice, that if I had broker would have cost me 1,000 of dollars. In addition, Citigroup has agreed to make whole any individual investors, small businesses and charitable organizations that sustained losses on auction-rate securities that they purchased prior to February 11, 2008 and sold after February 11, 2008. They have term, which any competent adviser says to have over cash value. College degrees generally fall into four categories: associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral. @Becky Now the average term policy is kept for 7 to 10 years to possible 12 years. when you sell something at a loss, to get the people in. Primerica sells term insurance as a loss leader and then recommends using a Financial Needs Analysis which is not a financial plan and the saleperson which is a Representative who are not financial planners, investment advisors, financial consultants or other specialists who provide financial advice and whose compensation may be unrelated to sales. Since they seem to be growing, I figured I would share my thoughts and see what everyone else thinks. If you say he does, then either you are naive, or think that everyone here is. For a person who is just a client you seem to drink from the same kool-aid pitcher. Are you using only fixed products. So why do they need more outside. It is sleazy and slimy. William Penn You see not all things are for all people. I guess you must be checking out an office that is not doing it right. You can ridicule Primerica all you want, but if what youre currently doing isnt getting you the results you want, then maybe its time to try something else. Something to consider is if the goal is to be an RVP and above, why do some of them leave? That is definitely not a team driven position. If you do not have money to invest, you can use ROP policy. Yes it does cost more but then the protection is there. ( Imploding is when the policy lacks enough money to pay for the insurance anymore. And this is because you need to handle all the compliance issues. Sometime the client needs to invest so he can retire, have his kid go to college, or just get that first home. If your an employee, how about when you ask your boss to take a break to use the potty. This is especially true with smokers. Annual Reviews of my position. I bet you rather pay a little more and get the service you deserve. Lets count the number of times I used profanity vs. Michael. You know I just cant see myself or anyone with any sense, giving a check for that big amount of money at a Dennys. For the right person, it works really well.. and if you are serving Middle American Families it is not good for them too. should the clerk tell you, You can get that cheaper at Wal-Mart? Having a person come to my house and take in consideration all financial factors in my purchase is better to me then buying the cheapest policy off the internet. I have seen the class that you need to take for insurance. Home-owners? Unfortunately there are going to be bad employees in all companies. You are commenting on James post. You actually think insurance companies are looking out for the benefit of the policy holder. Either way they are not good companies. Just like people are willing to pay more for the fact of getting something out of it. The Forbes Advisor editorial team is independent and objective. Thats the bottom line. Recruit, recruit, recruitKeep throwing it against the wall and keep what sticks. But wait He and James are the only two I have ever heard of that saying independent is so great. Well If he is going to ignore me then I guess he will not respond to my challenge, Like the coward he is. So You are losing the logic game here. NO!! As always Tom keep posting your doing a great job. I am curious are you ignoring the facts I post. And since this is something most people do not know they want to do, it will cost them considerably more to go your way. _________. Tom you will never see my termination letter Mr. You said, Sneaky things agents will do to cheat, lie and steal from their clients. Are those agents from PFS? You say AIG is a great company to buy term from, correct? Many of the PFS people who post here will see what we are talking about in due time. Any competent adviser will tell you not to use Insurance as an investment. And then again what do I get for $5. Primericas agent material promotes the idea that agents could have other full-time jobs and sell Primerica products for extra part-time income. So, by the 2010 when we plan to be a sole-standing company, have the largest sales force in North America, pay over $1 billion to our sales force and who knows, there have been talks of cutting off the RVP position within our firm. If a bank took the life savings of people there would be a lynch mob. The same power of simple interest saving you money when you pay bi-weekly, hurts you when you miss a payment. . It also requires you to take no risk, except time. Professionalism cares about the spelling. You left 8 years ago. I am curious do you use your given name or are you hiding behind a different name? I thought he doesnt work for PFS? To advance in commission levels by having recruiting requirements ot having an option of recruiting and the ability to advance from persoanl production? I have been called ignorant, a crook, and other negative things, so who really wins. If you violate this Agreement, you will not be entitled to earn commissions or other payments. What more can I ask for? ( Since it is more it is better, or do you think getting less for more money is a great idea, James?) Which is better, someone who is captive and sells one company. And Citi is looking to sell them. *****Convertability is something 98% of the people who buy insurance will never need. Want to skip ahead? If my negative campaign keeps one client from you I can only hope that they learn. If you start late, you need to take more risk. And you ask why Primerica only does 40%? Now they are causing the melt down. They also use term as a loss leader, to get you as a client, and then they can call and mail you unlimitlessly. Did you know in A.L. Primerica Life is a company authorized by Primerica Financial Services, Inc. (Primerica) to offer insurance through the Primerica sales force. Tom the cash value in a policy does not belong to the client. That is the pride of beign an owner. I did not have anyone show me and remember I am an a/c repairman. Since you only sold Life insurance I can see why you might think that having a product that does cost more, but gives more might be a hard thing to sell. And what about professionalism: Most professionals leave their office number, not a cell phone, unless they do not have one or want to hide something. IT is to spread the risk. The Independent agent said Oh well. you know I find it funny that you would complain about a 6,000 closing fee if in the long run you save years and thousands more in the long run. 5. I knwo I rather stay in a hotel that has a high standard than the cheapest one. This is a legal definition. No, since it is a waste of money, like accidental death and dismemberment. I can see exactly why after 17 years in Primerica you never made more than $86K: You never took the time to understand people. I purchased life insurance for myself and wife from Primerica. I wont even attempt to comment on your race analogy. Basically for my time only I get to get licensed and trained in an area I like a lot seems like a good investment for that benefit to me. If someone twists the facts I bet your sates DOI would love to here from them. 40% is more like 240,000 of 600,000. ___________________. Do they know where to look? You can call it what you like but taking someone from a 0% interest to 8% plus is more like educating the person where to go. You seem to think you know that price is the most important thing. Could it be that you may not be taking that much from the client, but then again wasnt it you that said that it is your fiduciary duty to make sure more money stays with teh client? You just do not sit back and collect a paycheck because you joined the company. Since you sell garbage, and you sell for companies that suggest/allow you to sell the garbage, intelligent people can infer you are a profit mongrel. Find them and post them. Which means they can offer any products they feel that their client needs. and ppl quit because primerica does not fire agents and those people can not make the amount of money they want. Im sure you consider yourself successful and drive a cheap car, right? Let us look at all those companies that they say tehy are their competition. You know they can;t be making money on that laptop for 200 dollars, but what they get you on is the warrantee, and the extras. Is this why your clients need to have life insurance, you place them in fixed accounts? Because I meet many who graduate with a lot of general knowledge and a lot of debt. I know that you do not get the support you need. I think I have even seen a policy that stated 6 monthsYet dont quote me on that. Who would like to have a sales force that cost them nothing to equip, cost them no medical or insurance cost, no benefits cost, no office rents, just paying the commissions. But then again you are an agent that sells cash value as an option. Second, your attitude about this shows me you need to quit. What else do you ahve to pay? you decide. I believe the combination of what you and Jack wrote paints a fairly good picture of what Primerica is all about, and I feel that theres not much substance I can add to it. They do not need income protection. Now whole life is like that but that is the most expensive policy, the ones I was talkign about above are variable universal, universal , you bet your life, etc. Some carriers offer 50% or a max of 250K and 1 year or shorter to live. He had exhausted all his sick and vacation leave. Again your word, But Primerica has not had 2 quarters of losses. I know 3 people personally who have made over $100k more than once a yearand dont really recruit. Therefore will harass you until you switch from Term to Cash value. No commissions or other payments are ever payable after termination of this Agreement. (I am capitalizing so that he might notice it, but I doubt it. ps. 2600/100.000= .26 or 26%. Point is, anyone with the UNDERSTANDING and common sense to undestand that more goes into a business that having a name and a goal to make money can figure out Primerica and make it work. -. If a person buys a 100K face amount policy from company A or Primerica for the same duration and they die how much will company A pay compared to what Primerica will pay? I was not restricted to only sell or repair one brand. Since you suggest this is a good way, you must either be an idiot, or think I am one. It is the term I keep seeing. Tom has his belief and I have mine. Not all policies offer the same time period for conversion to take place, and not all give you access to the same types of whole life. In comes the interest charge and/or other fees. I wish he were to answer this case: 35 year old female. Terminal Illness rider, is one. I feel bad for those who choose to just let the ship go down rather than explore the opportunity to make some extra part time money, but I certainly dont feel bad for too long. (Like those guys that caught selling away.) In actuality, we compete against ROP because we only market pure, level, GUARANTEED term from 5 35 years. Knowing what you know now, is it So I went to office location, it was there garage. That means the dollar amount is going to be lower. First, I have searched the web, and there is nothing on it. I am sorry for any confusion. You do not need to pay to be incorporated or what ever, since you are jsut like James, an independent person. One thing that Dave has said is not to buy (or buy into)something you dont understand. When a client purchases one of the products we represent then we get paid. Its kind of like saying McDonalds hamburgers are the best without trying Wendys or Burger King. Dont be so hostile, its all good.we will never agree and thats okay. I wonder why? They all said what I said. So you example of a family just starting out is bullS*(t. You make more money on the insurance product than the securities. About the same % of licensed reps that make $100K here. Primerica engages in various charitable efforts to support Georgia communities, including grant funding, corporate donations, in kind services and employee volunteerism. The price I was quoting was for a full service person. Im not Naive or closed minded. , I love that rule about the money. - And since you are wondering why do I stay with Primerica, and defend them. I cant speak for other states, but in taking the Life Insurance class here for Illinois, licensed Life Insurance Producers, I learned recently, can only present facts about other agencies. Something I read about Opinions. Tom Stated, Again, I am not an agent. It was the reason why Citi wanted Travelers so badly. So try and contact government non-profit agencies to educate you a little bit. See my post a while back. This means that if I have an accident, I pay a little not the whole amount. How many hours working at minimum wage does it take a person to make a $1000 take home? You tend to bring up issues in your own mind and say others are in that thought process. Right now Primerica only has about 2% market penetration so its going to take lots more effort. At one time was a Primerica agent. This is the easiest way to do it since usually., (Notice I did not say always) the way the company puts their part in . Thats where he wants to stake his claim. But one thing, do you think all term is equal? Since AIG is losing money, I believe either 1.8 or 18 million I do not have those facts in front of me over the last three quarters, they are not some place I would want to place my families security with. I did learn some good things from the short adventure. The first 1 to 7 years of money you are putting in there is gone for fees. A.L. Being the IT guy i am, I googled it and read all posts by the haters, scam stories and the hyped up Primerica lovers (thats how I found this one.) But then someone that is having discussions usually will go wait let me look it up. If your so against the TI, why is 40% ok? The Insurance guy got a call from me asking about all these policies. I dont work for the company but have some good friends that do and are much more happy at their job than I am at mine working for myself. After I got my insurance, both of my parents did of terminal illness, both of different type of cancer. And one more thing, since term is only usually paid for 10 years, and you have to have to pay to the end of the time, most ROP will not be paying out. I am glad you said that Primerica sells term inorder to get in the door so they can offer other products, loans, investments, prepaid legal, long term care, Auto and Homeowners Insurance Referral Program etc. Primerica gives you amble opportunity to make money. Also, PLEASE post any questions you would like me to ask my trainer! Primerica Life will pay, or arrange for the payment of, commissions to you for the sale by you and your commission hierarchy of Primerica Life products and services. They are similar to cash value. . . Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. The use of spell check and instead of using the philosophy buy term and invest the difference maybe try buy term and invest the difference only when it makes sense. And yes they do sell it. And how much did it cost you? This is typical salesmen tactics. Approximately 1% of an account is kept in cash, while the other 99% is invested in ETFs with low expense ratios. Could this be something he does not want anyone looking at this Business, to know that they do change and they do adapt to new things. If you say anything other than the owner/trainer you need to make sure you have an understanding of what lying is. It sounds more and more like Tom is a chick. IF you are you are comparing apples to apples their apples are rotten to the core. Also, the real numbers in PFS are out of 100 new reps, 83 will quit, 15 will become decent part-time producers, and 2 will become RVPs. Exactly what does th issue with todays mortgage crisis have to do with someone who has a health situation and high health care cost? You are proving the old adage: . They also take classes so they can learn how to fleece their clients with Cash Value life insurance as a investment, or a savings plan. It only matters in the absence of value. No, so why do you need Income protection when you do not have any income. First it is Systemic Risk not Systematic risk. It seemed to me at the time that after I sold mutual funds to all of my friends and aquaintences, I was pretty much out of leads. Since it cost so much more no one hardly evers buys a b or c policy, since the agent is selling price. I stayed in the same office that Ive been in since 2000. You are an independent. I want to expose all those other criminals selling whole life and giving people their money instead, like it should be. She was happy, bubbly and that excited me to become friends and all she said was the usual (Would you or anyone you know be interested in earning an extra $500 to $2000 a month? DUH!!! He said in a previous post hwe was going to ignore me. Either that you chose to ignore the answer and claim I did not answer it, Which one is it Michael? Letters of Transfers. I post sites. Gideon the Financial services industry is a great industry to be in. I can easily They have been conditioned into these little obsesses Primericans, And everytime I am doing my research on PFS and other financial and come back to them with hard core facts, they always use the same lines many of the agents uses on this blog and other blolgs across the net. Its too bad these bad apples ruin the rest of the company. We are still waiting for some insuarnace companies to pay us 2 years ago. Reasons that I have been given and that make sense on face value for the higher value of a Primerica policy are that there are very few to no exemptions, exclusions, hidden clauses etc. You only get the death benefit. Tom I have seen both sides be it inside Primerica and outside Primerica. For an example, if I only sold Goodman, I would have to say no. . I will now call myself James S. I was just expressing my experience with someone who gained my interest in the financial planning field. 4. How can that be if they only offfer what they have to offer? 5. They also have someone that is looking over their work. I am a single mom of two, Ive been a stylist for 8 yrs I have no other skills Im only 29 yrs old. Not really. -. I really think they are brainwashed into using the same statements and into behaving in this manner. Now if I have something it is mine. The the Hectors, or the other names you use. So that is my plan. there is no requirement for anyone to do a Term to perm. I forgot to mention the guy also mentioned Primerica is into educating the public (lower class and middle class) about how finances work, and when giving them an FNA or whatever kind of report or contract, they would tell the customers about the small print and so on. If they wont/cant cover a client, what do they do? To me their system is designed for the recruiter. -. The opposite of trying to succeed is staying complacent. They have proven they cant be trusted, or are willing to twist anything to their point of view.. , 5) Tom makes a lot statements that are incorrect. Oh yes I do know a few things about M.Fs, Annuitites, If you are 25 and it took you 15 years to make $100,000 ( which is long I must say), you are still ahead of 98% of the population. I mean who underwrites the policies Michael? Let me say it one more time. What a terrible and high crime it is to work peoples warm market. Finally, I will add two pointsthis poster suffers from a middle-class mentality, and was unable to realize it and therefore they washed out of PFS. And they do not discriminate. 2. Term is what it is a temporary policy. Since the money is supposed to be used for the family after their death, why would anyone want to short change their family? I appreciate the debate and discussion going on but as I mentioned in the article above, I need everyone to stay civil and also not use profanity. You just didnt have the support which could have kept you and pushed you over the fence into success land and then who knows., Primerica Life Insurance Company of Canada, American Century Single-Participant 401(k), Franklin Templeton 529 College Savings Plan - New Jersey, American Funds CollegeAmerica 529 Savings Plan - Virginia, Fidelity Advisors 529 Plan - New Hampshire. Im sure Citi would love the opportunity to improve their image. -. Do you buy your meat at the supermarket? - Mild Cognitive Impairment: Seniors suffering from minor levels of cognitive impairment may still be fine in an independent living program. Now that you know what a YUGO is Michael can you see how comparing it to say a BMW shows you the difference between the term you sell and Primerica term. I have a couple questions for Michael Thomas as Im going to a weekly Primerica meeting for the first time tomorrow night, recruited by a guy I trust completely, and somewhat skeptical of the situation. If you need a refresher, I can pull out my sheet that I have in my Primerica papers that I got for going to their training. But then again James has already stated that if he ever did anything unethical, like taking his wallet over his clients needs, he would quit. . Then they go out and rehire a ton of people and get in their warm market.etc etc. But dont worry recruit some new people, call on their family and friends and keep that money. 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