The objectives for this goal can include, "Identify five outlets that offer free or discounted food by August 15," "Sign up 50 volunteers to cook and serve food by August 10," "Contact three homeless shelters to start outreach programs by August 1" and "Secure four facilities near where the homeless gather for cooking and serving meals by July . 0000133949 00000 n Strong Collaborative Partners- We maintain eight formal partnerships with public agencies and communitybased organizations throughout Alameda County that leverage program resources and keep costs manageable. If the funding is available, effective service delivery interventions may not be applied when working with this population. Recognizing the overrepresentation of Aboriginal young people that are at risk of or experiencing homelessness, the youth plan adopts the following major milestone: By 2018, Aboriginal homeless young people will not be overrepresented in the homeless population. objective. Predictors of Homelessness Among Families in New York City: From Shelter Request to Housing Stability. 0000082155 00000 n The fourth chapter provides an overview of progress made by the Department towards achieving the goals outlined in the 2003 Plan. 0000002064 00000 n Prior to each of these meetings, the operating and staff divisions that participate in the Work Group will be asked to update the activities tracking matrix. Each updated matrix is distributed to those attending the Secretarys Work Group meetings. 0000000016 00000 n Characteristics and Dynamics of Homeless Families with Children (ASPE). The National Learning Meeting, held in October of 2005, was the capstone meeting of the first seven Homeless Policy Academies. At the federal level, most mainstream programs are not required to collect data related to the number of homeless clients served. Coordinated access and assessment processes. Other issues related to the causes and consequences of family homelessness, such as a familys interaction with the child welfare or foster care systems, may be important as the dynamics of children and their parent(s) while they move through the shelter system may not be the same (Park et al 2004). Sound Fiscal Policies- Abode Services is a double bottom line agency with decision making based firstly in our mission of ending homelessness and, secondly, on the sound business practices necessary to remain financially responsible. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) funds 669 public, community and faith-based programs through three grant programs that serve the runaway and homeless youth population. 0000173708 00000 n This study examines data from NSHAPC to determine more thoroughly the role that faith-based programs play in the larger context of homeless assistance. Since 2003, the number of homeless families living in southern and eastern county has decreased by 43%. Problem: Inability to control drinking. Ensure that any agreements developed are feasible and that the response burden does not exceed that which is deemed reasonable and negotiable by all parties. You will meet one-on-one with a therapist as well as in group sessions. 0000065429 00000 n 1997; 87(2): 241-248. Other youth who may be at-risk of homelessness include youth who are aging out of foster care or exiting the juvenile justice system (Farrow et al 1992). It smooths things out for everyone like clients, health providers and the insurance company. According to our CY 2004 CARE Act Data Report (CADR), of the 2,467 providers responding to the question whether they delivered services to special target populations, 1,184 providers indicated that they provided services to persons experiencing homelessness. Many HHS programs lack the funding to serve individuals with multiple, complex needs. 866-847-3590; . U.S. However, in order to prevent homelessness, we first need to understand effective prevention interventions. However, specific eligibility requirements to receive SCHIP benefits, as well as the type and scope of services provided, are determined by each state. Provide permanent and transitional housing subsidies at scattered sites through 15 housing programs. Health centers serve all residents in their catchment area, regardless of ability to pay. 0000029233 00000 n Runaway and homeless youth served by FYSB are served in emergency situations and cases where returning home is not an option. Ensure accessible and affordable transportation options are available to youth to access supports and housing, particularly in rural communities. You and your mental health provider will work together to define your long-term objectives from treatment. (1998). Short-Term Prevention or Rapid Re-HousingPlan. The guidebook was published in 2001 and can be found at: Home - Office of Supportive Housing - County of Santa Clara Setting personalized goals (ie, desired target outcomes) can be an excellent way to guide ADHD management and track the progress of symptom management. Additionally, the Department seeks to further the Presidents New Freedom Initiative to promote participation by all Americans with disabilities, including mental disabilities in their communities. The widespread development of high-end, market rate housing in the area over the past decade has . 0000005252 00000 n First, HHS partnered with HUD, VA, ICH, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), and the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to fund nine HomelessPolicy Academies that were designed to bring together state-level program administrators and homeless service providers in order to develop state-specific action plans designed to increase access to mainstream resources for persons experiencing homelessness. 80% of children, 0 to 5, were regularly screened for development and social emotional concerns. Report available at:, The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Homeless Female Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment: 2002(SAMHSA). o Support a research project to begin the exploration of available data that could be used to identify the number of homeless persons currently accessing HHS mainstream programs by investigating which states currently collect housing status data from applicants of Medicaid and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the two largest HHS mainstream programs that may serve individuals or families experiencing homelessness. The ADHD goal-setting process goes beyond the simple desire of "improving symptoms" and establishes observable, measurable objectives that are meaningful for the individual. Representatives of fifty-four states and U.S. territories joined federal agency partners, public and private organizations addressing homelessness, and technical assistance providers to showcase innovative approaches that states and territories are implementing, exchange peer-to-peer technical assistance, and renew the states and territories commitment to fully implementing their Homeless Policy Academy action plans. The Family and Youth Services Bureau within ACF, in consultation with the USICH, is conducting a study of "promising strategies to end youth homelessness" which responds to statutory requirements. This is the date by which you expect the objective will be completed. 1995; 85(12): 1642-1649. Furthermore, agency representatives at the meeting described their experiences providing concrete assistance during Hurricane Katrina. Monthly progress notes document consumer progress relative to goals identified in the Individualized Service Plan, and indicates where treatment goals have not yet been achieved. Page 1 of 3 SAMPLE Rapid ReHousing . 0000002951 00000 n Homeless families often fall within these guidelines. The goals outlined within the strategic action plan provided a course of action for the Department to follow in order to improve access to needed health and social services for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, empower states to improve their response to individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, and to prevent future episodes of homelessness within HHS clientele. Changes in the individual's status and updates can be Monitor the Progress. Thus, while the Department will develop its own data strategies internally, it will be paramount to also coordinate our efforts and integrate data across multiple Federal departments. 0000001260 00000 n The chapter also provides, under each strategy, a few examples of possible activities the Department could implement in order to fulfill a given strategy. Goal: Create a community-wide resources guide to inform homeless youth and providers of resources available to youth and LGBTQ+ individuals. GOAL 4: A City committed to preventing and ending homelessness. Strong Innovative Executive leadership- Louis Chicoine, Executive Director, has been with the agency for nineteen years and has overseen its development from a small grass roots organization to a multifaceted agency operating 20 programs and a $9.5 million annual operating budget. Appendix A provides an overview of the HHS programs that may serve persons currently experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. 0000022661 00000 n Strategy 4.4 Coordinate HHS data activities with other federal data activities related to homelessness. As templates are pre-made, you can fill in the details to slowly create the treatment plan. 0000003275 00000 n The matrix provides the means by which the agencies and staff divisions within the Department track progress towards achieving the goals outlined in the Plan. Kuhn R, Culhane DP. Goal 1: Prevent episodes of homelessness within the HHS clientele, including individuals and families, Goal 2: Help eligible, homeless individuals and families receive health and social services, Goal 3: Empower our state and community partners to improve their response to individuals and families experiencing homelessness, Goal 4: Develop an approach to track Departmental progress in preventing, reducing, and ending homelessness for HHS clientele, Goal 1: Prevent episodes of homelessness within the HHS clientele, including individuals and families, Strategy 1.1 Identify risk and protective factors to prevent episodes of homelessness for at-risk populations, Strategy 1.2 Identify risk and protective factors to prevent chronic homelessness among persons who are already homeless, Strategy 1.3 Develop, test, disseminate, and promote the use of evidence-based homelessness prevention and early intervention programs and strategies, Goal 2: Help eligible, homeless individuals and families receive health and social services, Strategy 2.1 Strengthen outreach and engagement activities, Strategy 2.2 Improve the eligibility review process, Strategy 2.3 Explore ways to maintain program eligibility, Strategy 2.4 Examine the operation of HHS programs, particularly mainstream programs that serve both homeless and non-homeless persons, to improve the provision of services to persons experiencing homelessness, Strategy 2.5 Foster coordination across HHS to address the multiple problems of individuals and families experiencing homelessness, Strategy 2.6 Explore opportunities with federal partners to develop joint initiatives related to homelessness, including chronic homelessness and homelessness as a result of a disaster, Goal 3: Empower our state and community partners to improve their response to individuals and families experiencing homelessness, Strategy 3.1 Work with states and territories to effectively implement Homeless Policy Academy Action Plans, Strategy 3.2 Work with governors, county officials, mayors, and tribal organizations to maintain a policy focus on homelessness, including homelessness as a result of a disaster, Strategy 3.3 Examine options to expand flexibility in paying for services that respond to the needs of persons with multiple problems, Strategy 3.4 Encourage states and localities to coordinate services and housing, Strategy 3.5 Develop, disseminate and utilize toolkits and blueprints to strengthen outreach, enrollment, and service delivery, Strategy 3.6 Provide training and technical assistance on homelessness, including chronic homelessness, to mainstream service providers at the state and community level, Goal 4: Develop an approach to track Departmental progress in preventing, reducing, and ending homelessness for HHS clientele, Strategy 4.1 Inventory data relevant to homelessness currently collected in HHS targeted and mainstream programs; including program participants housing status, Strategy 4.2 Develop an approach for establishing baseline data on the number of homeless individuals and families served in HHS programs, Strategy 4.3 Explore a strategy to track improved access to HHS mainstream and targeted programs for persons experiencing homelessness, including individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, Strategy 4.4 Coordinate HHS data activities with other federal data activities related to homelessness. According to the latest available data, state-funded community based agencies used FY 2003 allocations to provide PATH eligible services to 86,000 enrolled persons. Objective: Attend regular 12-step meetings or support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The principals that form the philosophical underpinnings of the Secretarys 500 Day Plan are applicable to persons experiencing homelessness, particularly the first principal which reads care for the truly needy, foster self-reliance. 0000040398 00000 n Working with stakeholders to re-program Winter Relief Shelter and HOPE Homeless Outreach Project to provide house opportunities through the provision of housing subsidies and social services. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 0000067458 00000 n o Collaborate with states and local entities to support efforts to document homelessness and share data with HHS as agreed to by partners. o Review and synthesize the published and non-published literature to identify risk factors associated with chronic homelessness and protective factors that reduce the risk for chronic homelessness. methadone maintenance therapy). Goals originate in the Strategic Plan of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan. hTPn If taking a look . A cornerstone effort of the increased focus on chronic homelessness was the development of the Collaborative Initiative to Help End Chronic Homelessness, also known as the Chronic Homelessness Initiative (CHI), an innovative demonstration project coordinated by the ICH and jointly funded by HUD, HHS (SAMHSA and HRSA) and the VA. Recognizing that homelessness is an issue that cuts across various agencies in the federal government, this unique effort across the Department offered permanent housing and supportive service funding through a consolidated application process. Each state, territory, and participating Tribe decides the benefits it will provide and establishes the specific eligibility criteria that must be met to receive financial assistance payments and/or other types of TANF-funded benefits and services. The project was begun in September of 1999 and data collection was concluded in September of 2006. Client will be informed and able to make decisions around treatment options . o Encourage states and communities to experiment with various approaches to creating a coordinated, comprehensive approach to addressing homelessness prevention (e.g. ASPE is partnering with HUD and the VA to support an evaluation of the Collaborative Initiative to End Chronic Homelessness, a unique grant program funding 11 sites to develop a comprehensive and integrated community strategy to assist chronically homeless persons to move into stable housing and access a range of support services. 2014. 0 0000035936 00000 n The budgets of the targeted homeless programs have experienced growth since 2003 (see Table 1), but improving access to mainstream programs remains critical to increasing the Departments capacity to serve this population. xref The Ryan White CARE Act,operated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), authorizes funding for the bulk of the agencys work on HIV/AIDS. For example, Teresa might say, ''I want to feel less . The delivery of treatment and services to persons experiencing homelessness are included in the activities of the Department, both in five programs specifically targeted to homeless individuals and in twelve non-targeted, or mainstream, service delivery programs (see Table 1 below). Strategy 4.2 promotes the development of an approach for establishing baseline data on the number of homeless individuals and families served in HHS programs, whereas Strategy 4.3 relates to developing a strategy by which to track improved access to HHS mainstream and targeted programs for persons experiencing homelessness. Specifically, Strategy 3.1 in the new plan highlights the importance of identifying risk and protective factors to prevent episodes of homelessness for at-risk populations. Offer comprehensive children's services that include: As a twenty-one year old agency with a history of innovation, Abode Services has developed an outstanding pool of human, financial and material resources that enables us to accomplish our goals and objectives. !N*G gWu&vTPlR4e^U Wf%by. What Are Goals and Objectives? As the title of the 2003 Strategic Action Plan indicates (Ending Chronic Homelessness: Strategies for Action) the focus of the Work Group was on chronic homelessness. To help you figure out what goals to set, think about: N.p., n.d. 0000067529 00000 n The Department is the largest grant-making agency in the federal government, and the Medicare program alone is the nation's largest health insurer ( The federal government establishes general guidelines for the administration of SCHIP benefits. Louis received the California Wellness Foundation Sabbatical Program's Leadership Award in 2006. Mainstream programs are designed to serve those who meet a set of eligibility criteria that is often established by the states, but generally address provision of services to low-income populations. The PATH and Treatment for Homeless Persons Programs serve a somewhat narrower subgroup of the homeless population than the other programs: the PATH program focuses on homeless individuals with serious mental illness; and the Treatment for Homeless Persons program targets homeless persons who have a substance abuse disorder, or both a . The Work Group believes that devoting an entire goal and set of objectives to data and performance measures related to homelessness will aid in the process of measuring the success of the strategic action plan. This matrix includes key activities that the agencies are implementing related to homelessness and is organized by the goals and strategies outlined in the strategic action plan. o Share information with the national intergovernmental organizations that can be used in their newsletters and other communications with their members (e.g., through a homelessness clearinghouse website that provides links not only to relevant HHS programs but also to state and local activities that could serve as best practice models). The matrix can then be used as an analytical tool to examine the Departments progress related to the activities by goal or strategy, as well as by agency. The pocket guide was adopted in August 2006, and is available at:, Evaluability Assessment of Discharge Planning to Prevent Homelessness (ASPE), Purpose of this study was to conduct an evaluability assessment of discharge planning in institutional and custodial settings, with a specific focus on whether discharge planning is a strategy that can prevent homelessness. 2003 Strategic Action PlanGoal 2: Empower our state and community partners to improve their response to people experiencing chronic homelessness. Support youths meaningful engagement in plan development and implementation. According to the 1996 National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients, 34 percent of all persons using homeless services were members of a homeless family (Burt et al 1999), though more recent studies (Shinn, et. Collective vision and guiding principles. 2003 Strategic Action PlanGoal 3: Work to prevent new episodes of homelessness within the HHS clientele. 0000005580 00000 n For example, the Plan may impact HHS agencies strategic and performance plans, program activities, training, data collection/performance measurement, and/or budgets. In FY 2005, NIH is supporting more than 65 investigator-initiated studies with a primary focus on homelessness. C0gbn m~`IQBB:Bw12V0D0. 1159 0 obj <>stream Fifty-five percent of the cities participating in the 2006 Hunger and Homelessness Survey report that families may have to separate in order to be sheltered (U.S. Conference of Mayors 2006). The 2007 Plan was circulated throughout the HHS operating and staff division heads prior to being finalized by the Department and made public. The external audience will be wide-ranging, including HHS grantees and other providers of homeless assistance services, participants of the state Homeless Policy Academies, the developers of state/local 10-year plans to end homelessness, participants of HUDs Continuum of Care process, advocacy/interest groups, Congress/legislative branch, states, researchers, federal partners, and the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Re-program and secure new funding under the Hearth Act to rapidly re-house families and individuals at the time they become homeless. Home visiting for young mothers enrolled in our program for emancipated foster youth. SMART TREATMENT PLANNING Diagnosis: Depressive Disorder (and Bipolar depressed) Goal: Resolution of depressive symptoms Objectives: Patient will contract for safety with staff at least once per shift Patient will identify two coping skills related to (specific stressor) Patient will report at least six hours of restful sleep each night Territories, SSBG does not collect specific data on amounts expended on homelessness. Health and health needs of homeless and runaway youth. o Encourage mainstream programs that support outreach and case management to identify individuals and families experiencing homelessness as potentially eligible candidates for these services. Healthcare for the Homeless Information Resource Center:, Recent HHS Publications Relevant to Homelessness, National Symposium on Homelessness Research (ASPE & HUD). 4. They are leaders in fundraising and advocacy, and serve on one or more of the following Board committees; Fund Development, Administrative, Finance, Marketing and Communications, Nominating, and Audit Committee. 0000030093 00000 n Short-term goals should be measurable, brief, specific, and small, and measurable (Brems, 2008). TANF agencies provide a range of benefits to eligible families who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless. In order to accurately capture the clientele served by all homelessness-relevant HHS programs, the Work Group decided that the plan would have to be broader in scope. It includes several elements that should be considered in any plan involving Indigenous people, as outlined in the Calgary Plan to End Aboriginal Homelessness (note that the original input from the ASCHH was specific to Aboriginal people, not Indigenous hence we kept the original term): In response to these recommendations, Calgarys Youth Plan places specific emphasis on Aboriginal youth homelessness in Calgary. As such, it is critical that HHS works with states and community partners to empower them and provide the appropriate tools by which to improve their response to people experiencing chronic homelessness. 0000007351 00000 n Each site is in a location that is accessible to program participants. As such, the delivery of treatment and services to persons experiencing homelessness is included in the activities of the Department, both in five programs specifically targeted to homeless individuals and in fourteen non-targeted, or mainstream, service delivery programs. This new focus on data and measurement issues may also assist HHS homelessness programs with future Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) reviews. 96% of residents living in our permanent support housing communities have retained their housing for at least a year. Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness(PATH). A list of departmental homelessness web resources and research reports relevant to homelessness are included as Appendix B. trailer Strategy 3.1 Work with states and territories to effectively implement Homeless Policy Academy Action Plans. Strategies in the plan were also revised to reflect the second phase of the Homeless Policy Academies. xb```b``[ wAbl,KU400=q`f)v[z},M/qpr7H"lwNje qHBJJjiP[6u13=a @APi#)B*X,X,o~SPf+g4a`}P Hp11>w%\ Q, The 2007 Plan has both internal and external audiences and thus may be utilized in various ways. The homelessness-related objectives contained within it are set out below and this is supported by a detailed Action Plan that will be subject to monitoring and review. First, the Department has broadened the scope of the plan to address issues faced by a clientele that encompasses not only chronically homeless individuals, but also homeless families with children and runaway and homeless youth. Conducting further research about the pathways into Aboriginal youth homelessness to help ensure services dedicated to Aboriginal young people (at risk of or experiencing homelessness) will be carried out in consideration of structural factors. Language should also include a requirement that provides for the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the coordinated efforts. Each goal and objective will need a number or a letter that identi-fies it. Here are some journal articles with practical guidelines and research on integrative, psychological assessment and intervention with people seeking treatment in this population: Dadlani, M.B., Overtree, C., & Perry-Jenkins, M. (2012). The program works to establish and build relationships between street youth and program outreach staff in order to help youth leave the streets. In general, phrases such as chronically homeless individuals were substituted by homeless individuals and families so as to be inclusive of families and children experiencing homelessness, while still including individuals experiencing homelessness, whether chronic or episodic. Develop the infrastructure and governance necessary to implement the youth plan. From its inception to the present time, the Secretarys Work Group has met regularly in order to discuss policy issues related to chronic homelessness, as well as homelessness among families and youth, review progress, and report about key activities occurring in the various operating divisions. Measures to improve coordination and integration among key stakeholders serving homeless and at risk youth can include: An example of a youth plan that focuses on Indigenous youth is Calgarys 2011 Youth Plan. AmericanJournal of Public Health. These should be action oriented and reflect both best practices and community-identified needs. By January 2015, Abode Services will rehouse 1,000 homeless families and individuals (10-year goal). American Journal of Public Health. In general, the strategies under Goal 2 (to empower our state and community partners to improve their response to individuals and families experiencing homelessness) are related to this second phase of the Homeless Policy Academies. Youth who have not reached the age of 18 years during an 18 month stay may remain in the program for an additional 180 days or until their 18th birthday, whichever comes first. The strategic action plan developed in 2003 has served as the framework for developing and implementing activities across the Department related to chronic homelessness. Youth are provided with stable, safe living accommodations and services that help them develop the skills necessary to move to independence. Homeless Youth: Research, Intervention, and Policy. This report highlights efforts of many States to use Federal Block Grant funds for mental health and substance abuse services to provide more effective care for people who are homeless. This new strategy was added to the Plan to emphasize the importance of preventing first-time homelessness for at-risk populations (i.e. The objective of goal one was to expand the capacity of HHS programs to assist persons experiencing chronic homelessness. 0000036486 00000 n 0000085936 00000 n Basic Centers provide youth with temporary emergency shelter, food, clothing, and referrals for health care. The Work Group has developed an activities tracking matrix, which allows agencies to chart homeless-related activities under the specific goals and strategies outlined in the Plan noted above. 0000029120 00000 n Strong Financial Partnerships- We maintain and grow a group of diverse funding partners that includes city, county, state and federal agencies, private and community foundations, corporations, individuals, local businesses, churches and service clubs. %%EOF Objective 1: Utilize existing resource guides to disseminate services specific to the needs of homeless youth and young adult for a specialized youth resources guide. Webb, David A., Culhane, Jennifer, Metraux, Stephen, Robbins, Jessica, and Culhane, Dennis. There are two new elements that represent the greatest departure from the 2003 Strategic Action Plan and deserve to be highlighted for their magnitude and breadth. A: This is an achievable and reasonable goal for anyone looking to advance in their career.
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