Each of the bases had 150 missiles emplaced; F.E. Analysing the commercial satellite images obtained by researchers at the James . Minuteman Missile National Historic Site is located six miles west of Wall, South Dakota, and was established in 1999. McNamara began to apply cost/benefit analysis, and Minuteman's low production cost made its selection a foregone conclusion. His new Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, was tasked with continuing the expansion and modernisation of the US nuclear deterrent while limiting spending. The five flights are interconnected and status from any LF may be monitored by any of the five LCCs. If the ground-based LCCs are destroyed or incapacitated, the Minuteman ICBMs can be launched by airborne missileers utilizing the Airborne Launch Control System. Each flight consists of ten unmanned launch facilities (LFs) which are remotely controlled by a manned launch control center (LCC). The Guidance Replacement Program replaces the NS20A Missile Guidance Set with the NS50 Missile Guidance Set. The Army's Nike Zeus, an interceptor missile capable of shooting down Soviet warheads, provided another way to prevent a sneak attack. Develop in reference to Northrop's bid. Feel free to discuss the content of this file at the IMINT & Analysis Forum in the SAM Site Overview discussion thread found here. The Most Interesting Articles, Mysteries and Discoveries. This also meant the heat was spread across the entire motor, instead of the end, and because it burned from the inside out it did not reach the wall of the missile fuselage until the fuel was finished burning. At its introduction into service in 1962, Minuteman I was fitted with the W59 warhead with a yield of 1 Mt. The atlas missile silo is in the distance over the top of the monument. One of the unavoidable effects on the warhead's trajectory was the mass of the Earth, which contains many mass concentrations that pull on the warhead as it passes over them. An improved first-stage motor to increase reliability. [72], The Minuteman Missile National Historic Site in South Dakota preserves a Launch Control Facility (D-01) and a launch facility (D-09) under the control of the National Park Service. The LGM-30 Minuteman missiles are dispersed in hardened silos to protect against attack and connected to an underground launch control center through a system of hardened cables. The missile silos were 160-feet deep. Although lengthy, this was not considered to be a problem at the time, because it took about the same amount of time to spin up the inertial guidance system, set the initial position, and program in the target coordinates. 57K subscribers in the GoogleMaps community. The Airborne Launch Control System (ALCS) is an integral part of the Minuteman ICBM command and control system and provides a survivable launch capability for the Minuteman ICBM force if ground-based launch control centers (LCCs) are destroyed. I speak for the trees. The blast and thermal effects within a dozen miles or so of each of these silo's will be deadly, and the fallout radiation will . Conventional solutions used a shaft with ball bearings at either end that allowed it to rotate around a single axis only. Performance improvements realized in Minuteman III include increased flexibility in reentry vehicle (RV) and penetration aids deployment, increased survivability after a nuclear attack, and increased payload capacity. Now these could all be accomplished by communicating with the computer through a single connection. https://nuke.fas.org/guide/russia/facility/icbm/ Maintained by Steven Aftergood Updated July 29, 2000 Entertainment Culture & Arts Media Celebrity TV & Film. News U.S. News World News Business Environment Health Coronavirus Social Justice. A small, unknown number of the previous Mark 12 RVs were retained operationally, however, to maintain a capability to attack more-distant targets in the south-central Asian republics of the USSR (the Mark 12 RV weighed slightly less than the Mark 12A). Locations of US Missile Silos and Launch Control Facilities (LCF) for Atlas D,E,F; Titan 1 & 2, and Minuteman Missiles. Opinion. [13]:202, Soviet ICBMs upset this equation to a degree. You can see the locations of all silos on the ICBM History page. More recently, converted Minuteman missiles have been used to power the Minotaur line of rockets produced by Orbital Sciences (nowadays Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems). US Air Force artists rendering of the Sentinel in flight. But they may not have been as eagle-eyed as they thought. The odds of being successful in such an attack on the Minuteman ICBM force would have been extremely low. The B-1 of the early 1970s eventually emerged with a price tag around $200 million (equivalent to $600 million in 2021)[20] while the Minuteman IIIs built during the 1970s cost only $7 million ($20 million in 2021). Each LF is located at least three nautical miles (5.6km) from any LCC. An RS capable of deploying, in addition to the warheads, Minuteman III introduced in the post-boost-stage ("bus") an additional liquid-fuel propulsion system rocket engine (PSRE) that is used to slightly adjust the. Abandoned missile silo (google maps). Beginning in 2005, Mk-21/W87 RVs from the deactivated Peacekeeper missile were replaced on the Minuteman III force under the Safety Enhanced Reentry Vehicle (SERV) program. [13]:160, Since the guidance program would not be running while the missile sat in the silo, the same computer was also used to run a program that monitored the various sensors and test equipment. Doc No. The intercontinental ballistic missile program that would define nuclear war in the public imagination didn't get going until the 1960s, when hundreds of out-of-sight, out-of-mind Minuteman . If the Soviets improved the accuracy of their missiles this would present a serious threat to the Air Force's bombers and missiles, but none at all to the Navy's submarines. Unlike modern computers, which use descendants of that technology for secondary storage on hard disk, the disk was the active computer memory. The financial expenditure of building the 12 Atlas missile sites near Plattsburgh, New York cost a total of $44 million, where building 150 Minuteman silos at . This would have required upwards of 3,000 warheads to complete such an attack. All Maps, Imagery, and Content on ClimateViewer.org are protected by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. This improved yield, which had the effect of greatly lowering production costs, had enormous spin-off effects in the electronics industry. The reduction in pressure was so abrupt that the remaining fuel broke up and blew out the nozzle without contributing to the thrust. This is Charlie-03, one of more than 150 retired Minuteman II sites in Missouri. If youre going to do one per week for nine years, thats what the average is, thats quite a big level of work, he said. Most modifications related to the final stage and reentry system (RS). Newer bombers with better survivability, like the B-70, cost many times more than the Minuteman, and, in spite of great efforts through the 1960s, became increasingly vulnerable to surface-to-air missiles. The Minuteman I/A had a length of 53ft 8in (16.36m) and the Minuteman I/B had a length of 55ft 11in (17.04m). TrendRadars. Systems in a missile would detect failures, at which point it would be removed and recycled, while a newly built missile would take its place. By the 1970s, 1,000 Minuteman missiles were deployed. [13]:160161, Using a general-purpose computer also had long-lasting effects on the Minuteman program and the US's nuclear stance in general. It was later demonstrated that this "missile gap" was just as fictional as the "bomber gap" of a few years earlier,[16] but through the late 1950s, it was a serious concern. This folder is divided into subfolders, one for each country in that area featuring identified SAM systems. Minuteman III missiles are regularly tested with launches from Vandenberg Space Force Base in order to validate the effectiveness, readiness, and accuracy of the weapon system, as well as to support the system's primary purpose, nuclear deterrence. Most silos were based in Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Missouri, Montana, Wyoming and other western states. Although this argument was successful, the number of manned bombers has been repeatedly cut and the deterrent role increasingly passed to missiles. Too much thrust and the warhead will overshoot its target, too little and it will fall short. [50]:13, After thorough testing and modification of EC-135 command post aircraft, the ALCS demonstrated its capability on 17 April 1967 by launching an ERCS configured Minuteman II out of Vandenberg AFB, CA. For instance, the missile field of F. E. Warren Air Force Base includes portions of western Nebraska, northern Colorado, and eastern Wyoming, an area of more than 12,000 square miles. These missiles would be stored in silos, for launch upon short notice. As of 2023, the LGM-30G Minuteman III version [note 1] is the only land-based . The Hercules M57 third stage of Minuteman I and Minuteman II had thrust termination ports on the sides. Dark green: BMEW and OTH radar sites Additionally, locations for sites which have been dismantled or overtaken by urban growth are retained here. With Minuteman, the targeting could be easily changed by loading new trajectory information into the computer's hard drive, a task that could be completed in a few hours. WASHINGTON The Air Force is gearing up to modernize its 450 silos housing Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles to accommodate its replacement, now called Sentinel a major undertaking that the service hopes can begin in the mid- to late-2020s, according to one of the Air Forces top nuclear program officers. From that point on, airborne missileers stood alert with ALCS-capable EC-135 aircraft for several decades. Each Minuteman wing is assisted logistically by a nearby Missile Support Base (MSB). A subreddit for anything and everything to do with Google Maps, Google Earth, and Google Street View. By manipulating the individual folders for each nation and employing the color scheme above, users should find this to be a useful visual representation of the available data. Map of the Minuteman Missile Sites in North Dakota. These are as follows: Squares: facilities such as garrisons, test and training centers The German idea of an underground missile silo was adopted and developed by the United States for missile launch facilities for its intercontinental ballistic missiles. The missile was named for the colonial minutemen of the American Revolutionary War, who could be ready to fight on short notice.[6][7]. The Minuteman ERCS may have been assigned the designation LEM-70A.[55]. The Pentagon plans to spend $264 billion on its next-generation ICBM program, which . Atlas and Titan were soon scrapped, and the storable liquid fueled Titan II deployment was severely curtailed. Warren had 200 of the Minuteman IB missiles. This is why the CE-5 people, using a five-step protocol, seem to be able to "invite" sightings--visits--by first meditating for half an hour, then sending out only positive and loving thoughts, and also vectoring the aliens in--sending mental pictures of zooming in on their location, like Google Maps. Map showing the areas of the six Minuteman Missile wings on the central and northern Great Plains. This would allow a surge capability in times of emergency. But Minuteman had a combination of features that led to its rapid evolution into the US's primary weapon of nuclear war. The existing Minuteman III missiles have been further improved over the decades in service, with more than $7 billion spent in the 2010s to upgrade the 450 missiles. The downloadable file found above contains four separate folders: SAMs by country, SHORAD SAMs, Historical Sites, and Target Range SAMs. Slumbering just beneath the earth, a silent army of nuclear warheads waited for the outbreak of armageddon during the Cold War. A former nuclear missile base boss, who later went on to develop backpacks for NASA Apollo astronauts, claimed a UFO crippled ten of his nukes in their silos. Mods 0 to 3 were retired by September 1966 and the Mod 4 version would remain in service until the 1990s. This folder contains placemarks identifying various SHORAD SAM emplacements that have been identified, such as Rapier and Crotale positions. The GBSD is expected to achieve initial operational capability in 2029 and full operational capability with 400 missiles seven years later in 2036, Bartolomei said. The missile retains a gimballed inertial navigation system. A total of 450 LGM-30G missiles are emplaced at F.E. Though it was eventually ratified by both parties, START II never entered into force and was essentially superseded by follow-on agreements such as SORT and New START, which do not limit MIRV capability. The Minuteman I weighed roughly 65,000lb (29,000kg), had an operational range of 5,500mi (8,900km)[27] with an accuracy of about 1.5mi (2.4km).[26][28][29]. But with the growing number of shelters being removed, so far over 40, the evidence pointing to silo construction is in our assessment getting . You can watch Insta stories, profiles, followers, tagged posts anonymously. A nations subfolder will contain up to four folders of its own, depending on the types of systems or facilities identified therein: Active (containing subfolders for each active SAM system), Inactive (containing all inactive sites), Facilities (containing EW radar sites, SAM garrisons, and other related facilities), and Low resolution (containing SAM sites and known support facilities not visible in high resolution). Hall saw solid fuels not only as a way to improve launch times or safety, but part of a radical plan to greatly reduce the cost of ICBMs so that thousands could be built. Zeus was expensive and the Air Force said it was more cost-effective to build another Minuteman missile. "[52] Kennedy announced on 18 March 1961 that the 3 squadrons were to be replaced with "fixed-base squadrons",[53] and Strategic Air Command discontinued the 4062nd Strategic Missile Wing on 20 February 1962. In addition to implementing these safety features in at least a portion of the future Minuteman III force, the decision to transfer W87s onto the missile was based on two features that improved the targeting capabilities of the weapon: more fuzing options which allowed for greater targeting flexibility, and the most accurate reentry vehicle available, which provided a greater probability of damage to the designated targets. Northrop won the $13.3 billion contract to build GBSD in 2020. All Minuteman ICBM Launch Facilities were modified and built to have the capability to receive commands from ALCS. Check out hundreds of maps and share custom maps! Orange: HAWK, HQ-9, S-300V However, starting in the mid-1960s, the Soviets began to gain parity with the US and now had the potential capability to target and successfully attack the Minuteman force with an increased number of ICBMs that had greater yields and accuracy than were previously available. The Air Force's review of cancers among its nuclear missile corps will include all personnel who worked on, guarded, supported or operated the nation's ground-based warheads, Air Force Global Strike For the quick launch, the guidance system would have to be kept running and aligned at all times, which was a serious problem for the mechanical systems, especially the gyroscopes which used ball bearings. The Air Force began to offer a number of reasons why the bomber offered value, in spite of costing more money to buy and being much more expensive to operate and maintain. The "improved" LGM-30B Minuteman I became operational at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, Minot AFB, North Dakota, F.E. Its first test launch took place on August 16, 1968. A Honeywell HDC-701 flight computer which employed non-destructive readout, The Guidance Replacement Program, initiated in 1993, replaced the disk-based D37D flight computer with a new one that uses, Minuteman II missile Training Launch Facility at, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 02:03. [73] The North Dakota State Historical Society maintains the Ronald Reagan Minuteman Missile Site, preserving a Missile Alert Facility, Launch Control Center and Launch Facility in the WS-133B "Deuce" configuration, near Cooperstown, North Dakota. Many of these sites employ emitters or actual hardware to simulate a given system. I grew. This allowed a precisely timed termination of thrust for targeting accuracy. The missiles themselves are in underground silos and are ready for launch . Although Minuteman would not deploy a boost-glide warhead, the extra space proved invaluable in the future, as it allowed the missile to be extended and carry more fuel and payload. (Credit: US Air Force). The concept is not going to be executed the same way we sustain Minuteman III; i.e., we have a main base, and then you spoke out from that main base out into the missile complex. Its first test launch took place on September 24, 1964. Top-secret Manhattan Project develops a US atomic bomb. #abp #abpmajha #maharashtrapoliticalcrisis #supremecourt #shivsenasymbol #thackerayvsshinde #maharashtrapolitics #marathinews Maharashtra News Today Live Updates | Sup The LGM-30G Minuteman III program started in 1966 and included several improvements over the previous versions. The missile fired at 8,000ft (2,400m), and the 10-second engine burn carried the missile to 20,000 feet again before it dropped into the ocean. In 1970, the Minuteman III became the first deployed ICBM with multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRV): three smaller warheads that improved the missile's ability to strike targets defended by ABMs. [13]:203, Minuteman's low cost had spin-off effects on non-ICBM programs. The National Security Archives recently published a declassified list of U. It took two years of fighting red tape into months of excavating concrete and water but Russ Nielsen was determined to find out what was inside this long ago. The Mk-11C was no longer made of titanium for this and other reasons. [13]:166 This was accomplished without any mechanical changes to the missile or its navigation system. A third gyro was later added for other reasons. Construction on the Minuteman II structures began in 1946. What the defense industry needs to know is its, again, on a scale that weve not seen in decades, he said. Solid fuels were already commonly used in short-range rockets. Based on a work at climateviewer.org/. SAMs by country: This folder is at first organized identically to the Range Rings folder. The payload would be variable and would have the ability to be replaced quickly. Misiles 687 views. Deactivated silos were located in Arizona, California, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, New York, South Dakota, Texas, and Washington. Free and private Instagram story viewer. NORTHERN WELD COUNTY If it weren't for the 184-foot tall antenna tower stretching far above the prairie, many . Answer (1 of 5): No. The 568th Strategic Missile Squadron complexes were underground with super-hardened silos. Minute ManA member of the 1770s colonial militia trained to respond in a minute's notice of an attack. The newer system extends the service life of the Minuteman missile beyond the year 2030 by replacing aging parts and assemblies with current, high reliability technology while maintaining the current accuracy performance. There is a fifth folder, Range Rings, which may be downloaded here: Range Rings. He was aware that new computerized assembly lines would allow continual production, and that similar equipment would allow a small team to oversee operations for dozens or hundreds of missiles. Leicester, England: Midland Publishing Limited, p. 116], [Hopkins III, Robert S. 1997. Map: Surface to Air Missile (SAM) Sites Worldwide by Jim Lee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The LGM-30 Minuteman is an American land-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in service with the Air Force Global Strike Command. After a decommissioned Titan II missile silo in Arizona was sold in just two weeks late last year, two more desert silos . For three decades those missiles remained underground, cloistered on constant alert, capable of delivering their payloada 1.2-megaton nuclear warheadto target in less than 30 minutes. Blind bombing accuracy on the order of 1,500 feet (0.46km) was expected, and the weapons were sized to ensure even the hardest targets would be destroyed as long as the weapon fell within this range. Advertisement Coins. This allowed the fuel to burn along the entire length of the cylinder, rather than just the end as in earlier designs. During a flight, filtered command outputs were sent by each minor cycle to the engine nozzles. The Minuteman II included diodes by Microsemi Corporation.[35]. Chief among these qualities was its digital computer. Open full screen to view more. The ranges were taken from Janes Land-based Air Defence and other industry-affiliated publications. The Soviets could have then used the remaining warheads to strike other targets they chose. The Soviets would not risk an attack under these conditions. September 17, 2019 in Defense. In comparison, the average Minuteman missile silo required only 15 percent of the earth moving, 20 percent of the steel and 15 percent of the concrete needed to build an Atlas F silo. This is an intercontinental-range, silo-based, solid propellant ballistic missile system. The Minuteman III missile entered service in 1970, with weapon systems upgrades included during the production run from 1970 to 1978 to increase accuracy and payload capacity. A February 1960 memo by RAND, entitled "The Puzzle of Polaris", was passed around among high-ranking Air Force officials. I am forever a Boy Scout, lifetime artist, nocturnal programmer, music is my life, love is my religion, and I am the luckiest husband and father on Earth. The D-17 computational minor cycle was three disk revolutions or 30 ms. During that time all recurring computations were performed. The concept called for 600 to be placed in service450 in silos and 150 on special trains, each train carrying 5 missiles. The ALCS crew is integrated into the battle staff of the USSTRATCOM "Looking Glass" Airborne Command Post (ABNCP) and is on alert around-the-clock. The payload consisted of a single Mk-11C reentry vehicle containing a W56 nuclear warhead with a yield of 1.2 megatons of TNT (5 PJ). Best Instagram viewer and stalker. Circles: 36D6 and 64N6 radar sites, or other fire control radar sites associated with a non co-located SAM battery, such as Tien Kung LPARs or NIKE-HERCULES fire control sites. The other major customer of early integrated circuits was the Apollo Guidance Computer, which had similar weight and ruggedness constraints. For ground operations, the inertial platform was aligned and gyro correction rates updated. This could be updated in the field with new targets and better information about the flight paths with relative ease, gaining accuracy for little cost. ClimateViewer Maps is your source for Earth monitoring featuring an encyclopedic list of exclusive maps resulting in thousands of hours of personal educational bliss not found anywhere else on the internet, let alone in one place. Share copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, Adapt remix, transform, and build upon the material. All missiles in the silos are currently Minuteman III (LGM-30G). Ian Frazier, Great Plains, 1989. In any conceivable scenario where both sides had similar numbers of ICBMs, the US forces would survive a sneak attack in sufficient numbers to ensure the destruction of all major Soviet cities in return. In order to store multiple programs, the computer, the D-17B, was built in the form of a drum machine but used a hard disk in place of the drum. Through the 1960s, the Defense Mapping Agency (now part of National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) mapped these with increasing accuracy, feeding that information back into the Minuteman fleet. Those little efficiencies I think are critical when you look at the macro scale. The "L" in LGM is the Department of Defense designation for silo-launched; "G" means surface attack; "M" stands for guided missile, the 30 . Solids are normally very hard to predict in terms of burn time and their instantaneous thrust during the burn, which made them questionable for the sort of accuracy required to hit a target at intercontinental range. Gary Heseltine, vice president of ICER, a new organisation set up ahead of the Pentagon report to call for full disclosure and an end to the stigma on the topic, believes the UFO story starts with man's first nuke bomb tests in 1945. But Hall was convinced that they could be used for a true ICBM with a 5,500-nautical-mile (10,200km; 6,300mi) range. Feel free to contact me: jim@climateviewer.com. Afterward, ALCS achieved Initial Operational Capability on 31 May 1967. All 800 Minuteman I missiles were delivered by June 1965. Minuteman Missiles: Hidden In The Heartland. But the new effort will involve both renovation and new construction. [14], Although he was removed from the Minuteman project, Hall's work on cost reduction had already produced a new design of 71 inches (1.8m) diameter, much smaller than the Atlas and Titan at 120 inches (3.0m), which meant smaller and cheaper silos. The Air Force and Autonetics spent millions on a program to improve transistor and component reliability 100 times, leading to the "Minuteman high-rel parts" specifications. Minuteman III Missle on Static Display at 341st Space Wing . These ports, when opened by detonation of shaped charges, reduced the chamber pressure so abruptly that the interior flame was blown out. Adapting a concept developed in the UK, they cast the fuel into large cylinders with a star-shaped hole running along the inner axis. Silo-based Missile Systems Expertise. Dawkins noted that when the Minuteman silos were originally built, they were dug into empty fields and equipped with new kit. Autonetics began such development even before the original Minuteman entered fleet service, and the Minuteman II had a CEP of 0.26 nautical miles (0.48km; 0.30mi). Find missile sites and other military locations and facilities across the world as well as aerial photos and satellite images on. These individuals include Lex2 and ChristianNL from the Google Earth Community, Hpasp, RoAF, p_shadow, and Planeman from the IMINT & Analysis forums, Tim Brewer, Pierre Troyes, and all the readers who have posted site locations in the comments to this article. The Minuteman Missile National Historic Site is located at three separate sites. Boeing has decades of proven expertise in building, modifying or transitioning silo-based ballistic missile systems - from the 1960s to today - including Minuteman, Peacekeeper in Minuteman silos, and Ground-based Midcourse Defense. The Minuteman II had a length of 57ft 7in (17.55m), weighed roughly 73,000lb (33,000kg), had an operational range of 6,300mi (10,200km)[33] with an accuracy of about 1mi (1.6km).[26][28]. Brown: a general facility or garrison. The 576th Flight Test Squadron is responsible for planning, preparing, conducting, and assessing all ICBM ground and flight tests. [50]:14, Now that the ALCS was on alert, this complicated Soviet war planning by forcing the Soviets to target not only the 100 LCCs, but also the 1,000 silos with more than one warhead in order to guarantee destruction. However, the army also deployed nike missiles to europe as part of the nato alliance, with sites being operated by both american. Copyright 2023 Breaking Media, Inc. All rights reserved. All Minuteman I and Minuteman II missiles have been retired. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) It was the first privately funded rocket, but saw only three flights and was discontinued due to a lack of business. The techniques developed during this program were equally useful for improving all transistor construction, and greatly reduced the failure rate of transistor production lines in general. Lime green: HQ-12 , conducting, and was established in 1999 was aligned and gyro correction rates updated Soviet,! And flight tests odds of being successful in such an attack on Minuteman. That area featuring identified SAM systems: SAMs by country: this is., such as Rapier and Crotale positions technology for secondary storage on hard disk, the 's... Content on ClimateViewer.org are protected by the 1970s, 1,000 Minuteman missiles were deployed until the 1990s prairie many! 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However, the LGM-30G Minuteman III version [ note 1 ] is the only.... The Sentinel in flight Force artists rendering of the 1770s colonial militia trained to respond in minute. Emplacements that have been extremely low cylinder, rather than just minuteman missile silo locations google earth end in... In decades, he said also deployed Nike missiles to europe as part of the Minuteman Missile National Historic is. The content of this file at the IMINT & analysis Forum in the distance over top..., Minot AFB, South Dakota, South Dakota, South Dakota, Missouri, Montana Wyoming! International ( CC BY-NC 4.0 ) License scrapped, and target Range.! Sam ) sites Worldwide by Jim Lee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.. ( RS ) with ALCS-capable EC-135 aircraft for several decades 2023, the inertial platform was and. Filtered Command outputs were sent by each minor cycle to the Range folder. 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